Use 📧, 📱 or @Twitter instead of wallet addresses

Quicker. Easier. Safer.

Use your address, ENS, or SPACE ID
Multisig addresses not supported yet


A better way to interact in web3

Instant lookup

No more copying and pasting. Use IDriss to organize all your wallet addresses in one place and access them anytime and anywhere.

Easy to share

Your public wallet address needs to be easy to remember. Share your IDriss comfortably in conversations with other people.

Blockchain agnostic

IDriss works across all major crypto ecosystems. Link multiple addresses from different blockchains.

Affordable and inclusive

We say no to yearly payments and triple-digit gas fees. Pay just a one-time fee of $10 per address (paid in crypto) for a lifetime.

Are you a developer? Integrate IDriss into your app in minutes.